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Case Study of the Pokémon Franchise

Page history last edited by Amy Newman 10 years, 4 months ago


History of the Pokémon Franchise Impact of the Pokémon Franchise Case Study of the Pokémon Franchise




The Research Question:

"Do century college students who have played the Pokemon video games have a higher rate of social interaction than those who haven't?"


We picked this question because the Pokemon Industry wanted people to become more social. That is why people needed to trade Pokemon via a link cable in order to get all of the original 150 and we wanted to find out if it really worked.


The Hypothesis:

At century college, students who have played Pokemon have a higher degree of social interaction than those who don't.


Independent Variable:

Playing the Pokemon video games


Dependent Variable:

Degree of Social Interaction



The Survey:  



1. What is your gender? 

a) Male

b) Female


2. Into what age group do you fall?

a) Under age 15

b) 15-18

c) 19-24

d) 25-30

e) Over age 30


3. Are you currently employed?

a) Yes

b) No


4. Describe your current relationship status.

a) Single

b) In a relationship

c) Married

d) Divorced


5. How many times per week do you go out with friends?

a) I never go out.

b) 1-3 times

c) 4-6 times

d) I go out every night


6. What is your main reason for using Facebook? (Choose one)

a) I use it to connect with family/ friends

b) I use it to post statuses and/or share photos

c) I use it to play games or when I’m bored

d) I don’t use Facebook


7. How many close friends do you have?

a) I don’t have any friends

b) 1-3

c) 4-7

d) 8 or more


8. How do you prefer to communicate with your friend group? (Choose one)

a) Text Messaging

b) Talking on the phone

c) In person

d) Via Email


9. When was the last time you played a video game from the Pokemon franchise? (Choose one)

a) I have never played Pokemon

b) Within the last month

c) Within the last year

d) Within the last 5 years

e) I haven’t played in over 5 years


10. How many hours per week do you spend playing Pokemon?

a) I don’t play regularly/ I’ve never played

b) 1-5 hours

c) 6-10 hours

d) 11-15 hours

e) 16 or more hours



[3]          [4]


SAMPLE SIZE: 114 Century College Students


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Preview of your graph

Preview of your graph


Preview of your graph

Preview of your graph

Preview of your graph

Preview of your graph

Preview of your graph

Preview of your graph

Preview of your graph



     1. A larger number of men who have not played Pokemon are currently in a relationship, but men who have played Pokemon appear to have more friends and go out with friends more often. Women who have played appear to go out more often than those who don't as well but it didn't effect the relationship or friendship results enough to draw any conclusions about women in relation to Pokemon. 

 Preview of your graphPreview of your graphPreview of your graph

     2. The survey results imply that more males who play Pokemon use Facebook to connect with people while more males who haven't played Pokemon don't use Facebook at all. Women just plain use it mostly to connect so the Pokemon part is irrelevant it seems.   

Preview of your graph 


     3. A larger percentage of those who play Pokemon and go to Century College are jobless than those who haven't played according to our results. However, playing Pokemon doesn't appear to have a direct effect on their employment status, I think it is more reflective of the age range. The largest number of people at Century college to take the survey were males and females between the ages of 19 and 24 who have a higher likely hood of being in school full time/ don't have a career. 

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Summary of Our Findings:

     Our findings were somewhat inconclusive because in a lot of ways, people who play Pokemon are more social in the way of Facebook, going out, and friendships, but they were slightly more likely to be unemployed a lot more likely to be single. We weren't able to make many conclusions about females other than them being seemingly unaffected by Pokemon in most ways; males had the best results in respect to actually being able to make conclusions. Males who play Pokemon seem to be more socially active on Facebook and have a larger number of close friends. However, single men are the largest number of surveyed Century College students who play Pokemon, so it seems for men that the type of males who play the game are less likely to have a significant other. However, there were very few males who did not play Pokemon and the highest number of people surveyed were males between the ages of 19 and 24, so whether or not they are dating someone holds a level of irrelevance that renders that question inconclusive in relation to Pokemon. Basically, we should have narrowed our surveys to 19-24 year old students and asked more relevant questions. 



What Would We Have Done Differently?

     Things we would have done differently would include using a larger sample size to attain clearer results, and keeping the survey contained to those in the 19-24 year old range to get the more specific result we wanted. We would have asked questions more relevant to people in the 19-24 year old range as well. Marriage and divorce would have been unnecessary as would employment because a lot of people go to school full time and obviously don't have a career yet. Originally we set out to find out how many of the people at Century College in our generation still play Pokemon and that main question got overshadowed by the actual survey we wound up doing. However, the final graph shows that the majority of people do not play Pokemon or have not in over 5 years. Males in our generation do play more often and more recently than anyone else though based on our results. 





History of the Pokémon Franchise Impact of the Pokémon Franchise Case Study of the Pokémon Franchise




  1. Nintendo, Wikia. "Pokemon Logo." Nintendo. Wikia, Jan. 2013. Web. 15 Apr. 2014
  2. Dashingfoxx. "Pikachu Pokemon Adorable Gif." Rebloggy. N.p., Feb. 2013. Web. 02 May 2014.
  3. Heliolisk, Kevin. "Pokeball Gifs." Tumblr. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 May 2014.
  4. ProteusIII. "Eevee Sitting PNG." DeviantART. N.p., 2013. Web. 02 May 2014.
  5. "Pokemon Comessou a Perder Suas Forcas?" Cidade Gamer. N.p., 25 Jan. 2012. Web. 12 May 2014.
  6. "Ash and Misty Image: Smile." Fanpop. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2014
  7. "An Enlightening Quote from Mewtwo. Your Argument Is Invalid. Photo in August_Of_Chaos Minecraft Profile - Minebook - Your Minecraft Social Site." Minebook. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.

Comments (10)

Zachary Larson said

at 11:58 am on Apr 22, 2014

Amy Newman said

at 1:44 pm on Apr 25, 2014

Based on John's recommendations, Bruno and my brainstorming and some generalized editing, I updated the survey. Let me know if there are any changes you would like to see by Monday. Otherwise, it is ready to go.

Zachary Larson said

at 10:20 pm on Apr 26, 2014

Looks Perf. Lovin' it

Amy Newman said

at 11:34 am on May 2, 2014

Dashingfoxx. "Pikachu Pokemon Adorable Gif." Rebloggy. N.p., Feb. 2013. Web. 02 May 2014. This is the MLA citation for the pokemon jumping gif

Amy Newman said

at 11:44 am on May 2, 2014

Heliolisk, Kevin. "Pokeball Gifs." Tumblr. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 May 2014.
The pokeball opening gif was very difficult to cite so I did my best.

Amy Newman said

at 12:04 pm on May 2, 2014

ProteusIII. "Eevee Sitting PNG." DeviantART. N.p., 2013. Web. 02 May 2014.
Okay that should be about accurate for the Eevee picture

Zachary Larson said

at 10:52 am on May 9, 2014

Looks Beautiful!

Amy Newman said

at 10:08 am on May 12, 2014

"Pokémon Começou a Perder Suas Forças?" Cidade Gamer. N.p., 25 Jan. 2012. Web. 12 May 2014.

ZACH this is a citation for the giant image of all the Pokemon at the bottom of the case study page and I can't figure out how to edit the works cited part to add it... Help? lol

Amy Newman said

at 11:03 am on May 12, 2014

"An Enlightening Quote from Mewtwo. Your Argument Is Invalid. Photo in August_Of_Chaos Minecraft Profile - Minebook - Your Minecraft Social Site." Minebook. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.
Need footnote

Amy Newman said

at 11:04 am on May 12, 2014

"Ash and Misty Image: Smile." Fanpop. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 May 2014.

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